It is less than two weeks ago that my Speculative Ecologies residency began in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve – all thanks to LABverde. It’s hard to summarize so many adventures and experiences with nature and individuals. But in the next 10 posts, I will make the effort to share some of my impressions and discoveries.
On Thursday at around 9:30 we all gathered to be picked up with our luggage to travel to the Reserve, which took about an hour. We arrived at a gated entrance and drove up a long tree-covered road. It already felt like being in the rainforest. We were then asked to be with three partners and sent to our barracks. There were two rows with a small courtyard and laundry lines in between.
Lillian Fraiji welcomed us to our “Speculative Ecologies experience” outlining the next seven days we would spend in the Duque Forest Reserve. She explained that we would learn through lectures and through our interactions with the forest, by entering and feeling the landscape. She also welcomed the input, artistic understanding, and camaraderie that would evolve throughout the experience. We would spend three dates in a boat, she said, beginning at the meeting of the waters. Lilian introduced the rest of the staff: BRUNA, the documentarian and LABverde producer; TAMMY, the artist and social scientist; and ANNA, the translator and LABverde producer.